Uncategorized May 12, 2023

Welcome to my page!!

Good Morning!

Welcome to my page!! Today I am going to tell you a little bit about myself and what you can expect from. me also  how I might be able to help you.

My name is Michelle Daley I am a local realtor based out of Nashua,NH and am also licensed in MA .  I am a mom of 3 daughters whom are grown up and 2 that have children of their own now. My last kiddo is a junior in HS and is loving her softball career on both a travel team and high school team. My husband and I have been married for roughly 25 years…..Yes, I said roughly I am not the anniversary remembering kinda gal….

I am a newer agent and before this I was in healthcare for 22 years in various roles through out the years… I even thought that I was going to be a nurse at one point and enrolled myself in a local college for the nursing program I went through all of the requisites (2 years) and attended 1.5 years in the nursing program all while working the night shift at a local hospital only to discover nursing really is not what I want to do at all!!  So I decided to become a realtor and here I am.

Why did I become a realtor?…. That is easy and most people may not understand my reasoning but here we go…. I chose to become a realtor because, this is a career where I can still be of value to others (not in a healthcare environment) and help them in a life changing process. My kids are grown up and my husband works a lot of crazy hours and when he is not working he is coaching softball with our daughters team so I thought this could be something to help fill my time and make it a career at the same time while also meeting new people and making some new friends along the way. It really seemed like a win win situation to me.

As a realtor I am constantly trying to grow my knowledge base to become the best agent that I can possibly be by taking classes and absorbing everything that I can from other realtors, lenders, appraisers, home inspectors along with everyone else that I have met.

Why work with me as a new agent… Because, I am fresh, enthusiastic, I have life experience, common sense, will educate you on everything that I learn and pick up along the way  and protect you through the transaction.  If I don’t know something I will not pretend that I do and will find out the answer for us both.  I am also going to be brutally honest at some points along the way and you will either appreciate that or loath that BUT you need to realize I will never lie to you for a sale or your business.

If you are interested in working with me or know someone who might be a great fit with me please reach out to me with a call or text 603-459-9544


Best wishes
